The Southpointe Directory Q2 2022 issue has a lot of great new content. On the front cover and inside is Neishloss & Fleming, LLC as new chamber members with offices in Southpointe. This exclusive interview with Jill Henderson and her staff can be found on page 24. Be sure to read the exclusive sneak preview of Jackson new unveiling only in our publication on page 6.
Most importantly, don’t forget to be a part of the free business-to-business trade show on September 22 at the PrintScape Arena (Ice-o-plex). This 17,000 sq. ft. indoor facility will hold 100 vendor tables, and thousands will attend for free. We feature live music, prizes, live radio broadcasts, and our prime host, BOB-FM, Pittsburgh’s premier radio station. We will also have live broadcasts from WJPA’s Pete Povich. This is a don’t miss event as all will be attending, including businesses, government leaders, and incredible talent.
This is a reminder to attend the only monthly Southpointe Network luncheon at the Southpointe Golf Club. For around $20, all invited – just go to to register. We are the only chamber that makes no profit on our event at the ½ rate. We are committed to giving back to the community and businesses by donating time, resources, and energy to economic success from all who are looking for an opportunity.
We welcome DeDe MacTaggart as the new Member Development and Directory Manager.
To our readers, thank you for nine years of readership and advertising support with the only full service, 56-page color publication in Southpointe and online. Any articles and ads go to or call 724-873-7777 ext. 25.
Click the Southpointe Directory cover to view the Magazine online

About the Southpointe Directory and Quarterly Report
The Southpointe Directory and Quarterly Report focuses on health, education, economy, environment, and industry in the Southpointe Business Park and the surrounding Western Pennsylvania Region.
Click the Racetrack Road Directory cover to view the Magazine online

About the Racetrack Road Directory
The Racetrack Road Directory is part of the Southpointe Directory and Quarterly Report. Racetrack Road is an area of high growth, especially in the retail and entertainment areas. It his home to the Meadows Racetrack and Casino among many other businesses.